Comfortable Tooth Extractions From an Experienced Dentist

Do you require a tooth extraction procedure?

Are you planning on scheduling wisdom teeth removal for yourself or a loved one? Trust the expertise of Dr. Luma Naim, North Shore Dental Group, in Park Ridge, IL.

Why Tooth Extractions Are Sometimes Necessary

We always strive to keep your natural teeth whenever possible. However, it is sometimes necessary for a tooth to be removed. This is usually the case when the tooth:

● Has decayed beyond the point of being able to sustain a dental crown or be restored

● Falls out and cannot be found

● Is a baby tooth that has never fallen out

● Is poorly situated in the mouth and is causing pain or discomfort

● Makes it difficult for other teeth to be straightened with orthodontia

The good news is that tooth extraction treatments are much easier than ever before thanks to modern technology. Call us at 847-292-8200 to find out how you can make an appointment with Dr. Naim for your tooth extraction services.

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Your Cosmetic Dentist in Park Ridge, IL

Welcome to North Shore Dental Group

Dr. Luma established her practice in 2008; only 2 years after starting to practice dentistry in 2006. Dr. Luma Naim specializes in beautifying smiles, maintaining dental health, and helping you improve your appearance. Our experienced and friendly staff takes great pride in keeping your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful. We promise you that the veneers, fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, and dentures will look as good as or better than the teeth nature gave you. And to make sure we keep that promise, the products we recommend and use are of the highest quality and incredibly durable. You can trust your smile with us.

Compassionate Tooth Extraction Care Equates to Exceptional Results!

Understanding the Need for Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom teeth sit in the back of your mouth and are the last of the molars to come into place. Unfortunately, many people do not have the room for the wisdom teeth to completely come to the surface. This means the wisdom teeth become impacted, stay under the surface of the gum, start to grow in uncomfortable positions, and may even begin to decay.

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Removing wisdom teeth using high-tech tools and procedures is efficient and can reduce the problems associated with wisdom teeth that have been allowed to stay in the mouth, such as pain, cavity formation, and gum disease. No matter what your age, you may want to consider wisdom teeth removal.

If you have any unusual experiences after undergoing a tooth extraction at our office, please contact us immediately at 847-292-8200.


After having a tooth or teeth extracted by Dr. Naim, you will be given information on how to keep your mouth healthy as it heals from this in-office procedure. Common suggestions to reduce buildup of bacteria and speed up healing include:

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Keeping the area clean

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Eating soft foods for a few days

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Taking over-the-counter pain medications if needed

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Sleeping on the side opposite the tooth extraction site

Get the care you deserve when you need a tooth extraction in Park Ridge, IL. Call North Shore Dental Group at 847-292-8200!



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